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Teddy Zetterlund – Product Coach

On Organisational Culture

“How do we create the culture we want?” she casually suggested as the topic for the next time the class meets. Luckily, I had recently refreshed my thoughts on the topic and I felt energised for the challenge of sharing a bit of theory and practical tips.

This post is an abridged version of the class, with appropriate references for those who want to dig deeper into it. A little bit of theory, followed by a micro workshop.

There are many sources of inspiration and knowledge available on the topic of culture. Yet, I believe Dave Snowden, in his series of seven articles on culture, says the most important things about culture and its dynamics with these paragraphs:

This means that ping pong tables and value words on the walls, or some document, is not culture. And more importantly, it is not something you set or design. It’s there, and it is alive.

Still, the question “How do we create the culture we want?” is a valid one, and one I suggest approaching with more of Dave’s suggestions in mind, namely:

So, what can we actually do? Well, lots of things! Get conversations going, engage people, and create the conditions for the stories you would like to be told. Here’s a simple workshop, that I’ve done with groups of varying sizes:

Personally, I really like this approach. It has a little bit of Clean Language, Solution Focus, and Dialogic OD in it, and results in an energising and positive experience.

It’s only fitting to end this short piece with the Chinese proverb:

Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words.
Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.
Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.